Business Briefcase PowerPoint Template

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Business Briefcase PowerPoint template is a PPT template for executives or businessmen who use briefcases to carry their papers, documents and utils. The template contains a brief case image over a light background and it is perfect for business presentations in PowerPoint as well as other PPT presentations. This Business background for PowerPoint with a brief case image can be used for several presentation needs, including business trips or commerce applications. The template contains a business brief case with a paper and pencil ready to sign new business projects or agreements. Templates like this one can also be used for many different agreement presentations between companies. If you work in a company as an employee, you can also use this business report powerpoint to create powerful PowerPoint presentations.

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Puede descargar esta plantilla para PowerPoint compatible con las distintas versiones de Microsoft Office incluyendo PowerPoint 2007, 2010 y la nueva versión de MS PowerPoint 2013.


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  1. Philip
    6:00 am on

    In a training session

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