Colored Pencils PowerPoint Templates

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This is a free PowerPoint background that is named Colored Pencils PowerPoint template. The template is free and contains some colored pencils over a white background. The template can be used in any PowerPoint presentation related to Arts or Design. Also useful for artworks in PowerPoint and many other topics. You can download this template for PowerPoint and use it for your own presentations about pencil or colors, also useful for painting or colorbooks. The template can also be used for drawing purposes in PowerPoint.


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Colored Pencils PowerPoint Templates se encuentra en Sin categoría usa los siguientes tags:


Puede descargar esta plantilla para PowerPoint compatible con las distintas versiones de Microsoft Office incluyendo PowerPoint 2007, 2010 y la nueva versión de MS PowerPoint 2013.


6 comentarios

  1. Joann
    4:12 am on

    library instruction

  2. anhs_edu
    10:56 am on
  3. jean ebeling
    4:53 pm on

    education classes I am teaching

  4. htvaldiva
    10:15 pm on

    tank for you colaboracion

  5. Melsky
    6:08 am on

    thank you very much for allowing us to download this theme free of charge..

  6. Crystal
    2:47 pm on

    In college

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