Idea Plantilla PowerPoint

Anuncio Patrocinado

Idea PowerPoint template is a free template for those entrepreneurs who have a new brilliant idea or new business ideas for their next startup. The template contains a shiny light bulb in the middle of the slide and there is some room for the presentation title. This is useful to share brilliant ideas with your users but also to create a business plan in PowerPoint. Idea PowerPoint template can also be used for health fair ideas or brigth idea powerpoint presentations but there are other applications like idea management skills required to success with this Idea template. You can also use this to show creative ideas to a given community.

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Idea Plantilla PowerPoint se encuentra en Objetos usa los siguientes tags:


Puede descargar esta plantilla para PowerPoint compatible con las distintas versiones de Microsoft Office incluyendo PowerPoint 2007, 2010 y la nueva versión de MS PowerPoint 2013.


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