Luxury PowerPoint Template

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Luxury PowerPoint Template is a free luxury background for PowerPoint that makes you possible to create amazing luxury presentations in PowerPoint with a violet color effect in the middle and shadows in the border. The template is nice for Luxury purposes, for example if you are a business manager for a Luxury hotel and need to create a PowerPoint template with hotel services or promotions to show your clients for the next effective business relationship. Luxury background is a modern template for PowerPoint. The template is also useful for Luxury Private Jets or if you have a private jet company then you can use this luxury background to put your private jet photos inside.

Download Unlimited PowerPoint templates

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Puede descargar esta plantilla para PowerPoint compatible con las distintas versiones de Microsoft Office incluyendo PowerPoint 2007, 2010 y la nueva versión de MS PowerPoint 2013.


3 comentarios

  1. ReyPanameño
    8:24 pm on

    planeo usarla en una expo en mi clase, esta plantilla esta de lujo y tengo y quiero utilizarla

  2. ruth
    5:03 am on

    Para mi curso

  3. ruth
    5:05 am on

    La utilizaré en mi curso.

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