Mobile Plantilla PowerPoint

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This is a mobile PPT presentation that has a mobile device embedded into the PowerPoint presentation and is suitable for telephony presentations, communications, mobile routing, mobile nodes or cellular phone network and related. The PPT template has a white background and gray effect on the bottom with halftone. This can be used for telecommunication or Skype Android based phones. This background can be used for example for mobile internet services in a PowerPoint or mobile Voda phone plans, also useful for mobile internet access and phones enabled with Internet. For example Voda may use this to show information about mobile phone plans or executives may compare mobile phone plans in this PowerPoint slide with exclusive tables and charts.

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Mobile Plantilla PowerPoint se encuentra en Comunicaciones usa los siguientes tags:

Blanco Comunicaciones Tecnología

Puede descargar esta plantilla para PowerPoint compatible con las distintas versiones de Microsoft Office incluyendo PowerPoint 2007, 2010 y la nueva versión de MS PowerPoint 2013.


2 comentarios

  1. Andres
    9:41 pm on

    se ve bonito

  2. hug
    9:47 pm on


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