Plantilla PowerPoint en tonos azules

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Plantilla PowerPoint en tonos azules

Light Blue PowerPoint Template is a free light PowerPoint template background combining orange and light blue colors in a professional ready made slide for presentations. You can download this free PowerPoint template for business presentations as a simple background. The slide design has a blur effect in the background and sky style like the Windows Live themes. This free PPT template with light colors has space for the corporate logo. You can download free light blue PowerPoint template for any serious business presentation including presentations on cloud computing (since it has a cloud style, you can also check best PowerPoint templates for cloud computing) as well as other modern sky PowerPoint (.PPT)presentations.

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Plantilla PowerPoint en tonos azules se encuentra en Simple usa los siguientes tags:


Puede descargar esta plantilla para PowerPoint compatible con las distintas versiones de Microsoft Office incluyendo PowerPoint 2007, 2010 y la nueva versión de MS PowerPoint 2013.


3 comentarios

  1. Daniel Izquierdo
    3:12 pm on

    Muchas gracias, Dios bendiga y a esta pagina que con su esfuerzo es reconocido.

  2. Jose Lezama
    3:33 pm on

    Muchas gracias amigos!!

  3. Lupita
    3:01 pm on


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